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Think Tank

Welcome to the Think Tank forum! Watch the video below to find out more about us:

Think Tank is chaired by Kathryn Sharman.  Established at the 2017 AGM, the Fuel committee took on the mission to look at future trends impacting the Isle of Man, it’s workforce and the businesses it supports and the Group has tackled many topics including the future of work, the aging population and support for working families.

The Group has recently undergone a re-start to ensure it is in line with current Chamber strategy and priorities. Part of the re-start is a slight re-branding of the name of the Group to: Chamber Think Tank.


The key aims of the Think Tank are:

• A dynamic think tank for emerging leaders providing an inclusive platform for young business talent in the IOM to develop & share views of Chamber members and the wider business community & shape future government policy
• Develop, showcase and promote rising talent within member companies
• Help develop political awareness in younger workers
• Develop novel work that provides input to business or government policy around future trends
• Offers the opportunity to have access to speakers and guests that members wouldn’t usually have exposure too
• Mentorship with a Business Advisory Service mentor
• Provide a path for younger individuals to join Chamber and progress within the Chamber network and develops younger members to engage them for the long term as positive contributors to the future development of Chamber and the Manx Economy

Terms of reference: a safe environment where:

  • All members must participate openly in debate, offer ideas, join workstreams and attend meetings on a regular basis
  • Members will have the ambition to progress onto other Chamber workstreams, forums and groups
  • Meeting frequency will be set dependant on what the Group is working on with sub-groups meeting as and when necessary : split into Core matters and Projects that will determine frequency of meeting
  • When applying to join individuals must provide a summary on themselves and their career and why they would like to join and what they can contribute to the development of Chamber and the Manx Economy