The Isle of Man Chamber of Commerce is the leading business community whose mission is to be the influential voice of business, proactively driving for economic growth and challenging for change in an independent, collaborative, influential and inclusive manner.
The next general election is in September 2021 and, in preparation for this, Chamber has conducted “have your say sessions” with every sector that it represents (all members being invited to take part) in order to identify urgent priorities that we would expect candidate to focus on. These sessions were conducted in the summer of 2020 and analysis of the feedback showed certain trends and concerns across all sectors which our members expect the next administration to address.
The concerns identified are largely historical and predate the pandemic. However, the pandemic has exacerbated and highlighted the urgent need for some of these issues to be escalated and properly dealt with to ensure that we are best placed as a jurisdiction from an economic perspective in the future.
Our strategy to maintain
Chamber is committed to pushing for an effective cross-Government short term, medium term and long term skills strategy which aligns education (both school and continuing education for adults) and the needs of industry in order to support the economy.
Chamber is committed to working alongside Government and the business community to ensure the development and delivery of the island’s climate change strategy. We are passionate about encouraging innovation and dealing with the challenges and opportunities presented.
Ensure that the economic strategy and vision for the island continues to be relevant and flexed according to the economic circumstances. Chamber will seek clear measurable outcomes and a plan for how these will be achieved. The Island needs to be strategically marketed in accordance with this plan and resources committed to support it.
Challenging Government
Chamber is committed to continuing to push for a more joined up and less bureaucratic government which can be nimbler and more effective and responsive to industry and island needs.
We are committed to highlighting the need for public sector finances to be reformed to ensure that there is a smarter, more efficient Government (including local government) which is appropriate for the Isle of Man, placing the island in the best economic position going forward. This must involve a plan for dealing with the pension deficit including legacy issues.
Chamber is committed to continuing to campaign for a sensible and transparent procurement system which is appropriate for our local economy.
Chamber is committed to eradicating the “black hole” ensuring that projects that are started by Government are resolved to completion. We will hold Government to account in this regard where necessary when progress stalls.
Chamber is committed to ensuring that the regulation of our economic sectors and businesses is appropriate for the Isle of Man. We aim to ensure that it is not overly bureaucratic for a jurisdiction of our size and responsive to industry need whilst at the same time protecting our international reputation.
Chamber is committed to increasing collaboration with Government. We will continue to push for increased consultation on key changes which will affect industry to ensure that the impact on industry is fully understood by Government at an early stage.
Support for the business community
Chamber’s mission is to be the influential voice of business pro-actively driving for economic growth and challenging for change. Chamber will continue to provide support, in conjunction with the Government, to all types of businesses operating locally on the Isle of Man (across all sectors, old and new).
Chamber is committed to providing leadership, networking opportunities, education and training that focuses on the critical priorities of our business community. By leveraging the support, talent and resources of our members, Chamber can signpost, offer support and advice.