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Chamber of Commerce Carbon Calculator | November 2023

15 August 2023

Over the past few months, the Business Sustainability Forum has been developing a Carbon Calculator.   The calculator is aimed at small businesses and will help you gain a basic understanding of your carbon emissions and establish a baseline from which you can look to reduce these emissions.

The Calculator has been through an initial testing phase, and is now open for members to utilise. 

Click here, or the video below, to watch a short video where Business Sustainability Forum Lead, Ralph Peake and forum member, Simon Sheath explain the benefits of using the calculator. 


If you are interested in utilising the calculator please email

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Nancy Shefford, Emma Sayle, Simon Sheath and Adam Creamore for pulling the project together and creating the calculator.

Why invest time in completing a carbon audit?

Completing a carbon audit, also known as a carbon footprint assessment, involves measuring and analyzing the greenhouse gas emissions produced by a business's operations and activities. This process can be especially beneficial for small businesses for several reasons:

  1. Environmental Responsibility: Demonstrating a commitment to environmental sustainability is not only morally responsible but also aligns with the growing trend of environmentally-conscious consumer behavior. By quantifying and reducing their carbon footprint, small businesses can enhance their reputation and attract eco-conscious customers who value environmentally-friendly products and practices.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Many regions are implementing stricter regulations related to carbon emissions and environmental impact. By conducting a carbon audit, small businesses can identify areas of non-compliance and take proactive steps to adhere to these regulations, avoiding potential fines and legal issues in the future.
  3. Cost Savings: Carbon audits help businesses identify energy inefficiencies and wasteful practices that contribute to higher operational costs. By understanding where energy is being wasted, businesses can implement strategies to reduce consumption, lower utility bills, and improve overall resource efficiency. This can have a significant impact on the bottom line, especially for small businesses operating on tight budgets.
  4. Risk Management: Climate change and resource scarcity pose potential risks to supply chains, operations, and business continuity. A carbon audit can help small businesses identify vulnerabilities and develop mitigation strategies to address these risks, ensuring long-term stability and resilience.
  5. Competitive Advantage: Consumers are increasingly looking to support businesses that prioritize sustainability. By completing a carbon audit and subsequently reducing their carbon footprint, small businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors and attract a niche market of environmentally-conscious consumers.
  6. Partnership Opportunities: Many larger corporations are actively seeking to work with suppliers and partners that share their sustainability values. By demonstrating a commitment to reducing carbon emissions, small businesses can position themselves as attractive partners for larger organizations with sustainable procurement practices.
  7. Employee Engagement: Employees often feel more motivated and connected to their work when they are part of a purpose-driven organization. Engaging employees in sustainability initiatives, such as carbon footprint reduction, can boost morale, increase job satisfaction, and foster a sense of collective responsibility.
  8. Innovation and Efficiency: Conducting a carbon audit requires a comprehensive evaluation of a business's operations. This process can uncover opportunities for innovation and efficiency improvements that may not have been apparent otherwise. These improvements can lead to streamlined processes, reduced waste, and optimized resource use.
  9. Long-Term Planning: A carbon audit provides data that enables informed decision-making and long-term planning. By understanding the carbon impact of different activities, small businesses can make strategic decisions that align with their sustainability goals and contribute to a more resilient and successful future.

In conclusion, investing time in completing a carbon audit can be a valuable endeavor for small businesses. It not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also offers tangible benefits such as cost savings, regulatory compliance, competitive advantage, and improved environmental stewardship.