KPMG in the Crown Dependencies announce new Senior Partner | March 2024
28 March 2024
KPMG announce that with effect from 1 April 2024, Dermot Dempsey in Guernsey will succeed Neale Jehan as Senior Partner for the Crown Dependencies partnership of KPMG, which is the shareholder of the operating group of companies providing Audit, Tax & Advisory services across Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man.
Dermot joined the firm in 2003 and has served as Head of Audit, initially for the Channel Islands and then the Crown Dependencies since 2019. His focus is Asset Management and Private Equity and since being appointed as Partner in 2013, he has led teams engaged with some of the highest profile clients of the firm in the listed sector.
Dermot commented, “I am proud and excited to be elected as Senior Partner of KPMG in the Crown Dependencies. Neale has led the firm with distinction, guiding the firm through the merger of the Channel Islands and Isle of Man firms, the COVID-19 pandemic and a period of significant growth. I look forward to building on our successful strategy, leading a firm of 550 ambitious and talented individuals who are delivering exceptional quality service to our clients”.
Neale continues with the firm in a full-time role as the Senior Partner & CEO of KPMG Islands Group and as a member of KPMG’s Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMA) Board and the firms Global Council.
Neale comments, “KPMG is uniquely positioned across its Islands Group, bringing together 12 jurisdictions spanning the Cayman Islands, the wider Caribbean, Bermuda, through the Crown Dependencies to Malta. The sector alignment and the challenges of our island economies are very similar and there is a fantastic opportunity to do more together across this community. Dermot is a fantastic leader, having driven our audit business to great success under his tenure and I have every confidence that he will do the same for the Crown Dependencies firm overall”.
Dermot Dempsey, Senior Partner, KPMG in the Crown Dependencies and Neale Jehan, Senior Partner & CEO of KPMG Islands Group
About KPMG:
The KPMG firms in the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man have combined to create KPMG in the Crown Dependencies. This creates a professional services business of 550 people, locally owned and dedicated to serving the key industry sectors across the three islands.
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