Volunteers Week Isle of Man

26 January 2024
2nd – 9th March 2024
Volunteer Recruitment Event Saturday 9th March 2024
I am writing to you as some of you may remember pre covid the annual Volunteer Week Recruitment Event which was held at the Sefton Hotel Garden Room.
The last event was held just before lockdown in 2020 and it was exceedingly well attended by both members of the public and organisations……….
This annual event organised by IOM Volunteer Week Committee will celebrate the impact that volunteers have on the health and well-being of the Manx community. Over thirty five different charities and organisations will be taking part.
This is your opportunity to visit the Islands only volunteer recruitment event.
Anyone thinking about volunteering and wanting to know more is invited to come along to the Tynwald Mills Charity Marquee, on Saturday 5th March between 10am – 2pm and speak with the numerous voluntary organisations present.
Who knows, it could be the first step to becoming a part of a diverse and fulfilled group?
This is a free event for members of the public and this year
His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor will be opening the event for us.
There will be lots of voluntary information available, The Community First Responders will be offering free blood pressure checks and demonstrating lifesaving skills !!
If you are a charity or organisation and you would like to book space at this event please contact:
Alison Lester on 314173
Or via e-mail